Mette Bak-Andersen is the director of Munkeruphus, an art centre focused on exploring the intersection between nature and art.
As a designer and researcher she is dedicated to changing the way we create things. She was educated as a designer in Barcelona in 2005 and has a PhD in sustainable design and materials from the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture and Design. Since 2008 she has been working with sustainability and the transition to a circular economy in her design practice, in design education and in her research, both in Denmark and internationally. In 2013 she founded the Material Design Lab at Copenhagen School of Design & Technology, which she directed until 2018.
Mette has extensive experience with the design and production of furniture, exhibitions, products and interiors and has presented her research and designs to variety of audiences such as Berkeley University, Salone in Milan, Trapholt Museum of Design and Red Dot Museum in Essen. She has worked with a number of different companies and artists supporting them in the transition to a circular economy and sustainability. For more information about talks and consultancy, please get in touch